Monday 9 June 2014

Unit 21 Task 2 Editing Log

Unit 21 Editing Log
By Kirsty Richardson

Editing Plan
I want my edit to start off with establishing shots of the grounds and some of the close up shots we got of detail of the college e.g. stairs. I want this to make the trailer more clearer in what the story is about and when/where it is set.
In my edit, I also want captions at the beginning to introduce the characters clearly (real name and name in the film). I want the overall look of my trailer to look well structured, so you could have a clear idea of who is in the film, what it is about and the structure. 
I also want titles to tell the story, rather than a voiceover. I think that if I don't have them, the trailer's story won't be that clear. E.g. 'three students' 'one college secret' etc..
Editing Log

2nd May 2014 - I watched all of the footage through, as I was not present at 2 of the filming slots because of illness. I needed to familiarise myself with the footage so I knew roughly where I wanted clips of the movie trailer to go.
I also found out that I needed to convert the footage from .mts files to .mov files. I asked one of the other students in my class to help me, as I didn't know which was the best way to convert the footage. Leroy helped me and I used Adobe Media Encoder to do this.

However, it took longer than expected because we had a lot of clips so I had to convert some of the footage today, and will convert some one day next week.

6th May 2014 - I finally finished converting all of the footage and started to go through and make an edit decision list.

 I went through each clip and deleted the clips from FCP that I didn't want (but I still had the original files in case I wanted to get a clip back).

12th May 2014 - Today, I started my edit. I had to familiarise myself with FCP as I hadn't used it at an advanced level for a while. I did the first 30 seconds, but I don't really like it that much and I don't really know how to move forward with it. I am going to leave it for a day and come back and edit tomorrow with a fresh mind and try to think of new ideas to make the footage more interesting.

13th May 2014 (AM) - I have re edited the first 30 seconds again as I really didn't like how it looked, it didn't set a pace or theme like I wanted it to. I found a song online to edit it to, so this helped me have more of a focus with the edit and helped to create more of a pace and emotion within the edit.

PM - I have now got copyright free tracks from Nik that I could use on my trailer. I have decided to use a song called 'Black Assassin', as I feel that it was the best track for my trailer, because it did what I wanted it to do. I quickly re edited the first30 seconds to the beat, and exported it so I could show the class what I have done so far.  I decided to show the old and the new version, and everyone in the class said that the new one was a lot better than the old one. We got feedback and this will help me carry on with the edit.


19th May - Today, I carried on with the edit of my movie trailer. As I was editing, I had a few ideas on what the titles could be and where I could put them, to help make an effect. I made sure that I left black gaps to fill for the titles whilst editing.

21st May - I carried on with my edit, about three quarters of the way through.

23rd May - 2nd june half term) - I did not do any work on the edit on these dates as it was half term and I did not have the mac facilities to edit with at home. I need to make sure that I finish it on Monday so that it will be ready to show on the Tuesday we come back.

2nd June - Today was the first day back from half term. I spent most of the day editing, as I had time in the lesson to edit and also did it at break and dinner. I only now have a few more finishing touches and it should be done in time for tomorrow.

3rd June AM - Today was the final day of working on the edit. I put the finishing touches on the titles and exported it, ready to show to the class this afternoon.

PM - This afternoon, we showed our movie trailers to the class and gave informal feedback. Everyone said that mine was at a high standard and even though the music was very dramatic, it worked really well.

                                          Final Edit

This is my final edit. Overall, I am quite happy with it, as I was finding it hard to edit at first. I feel that this resembles my editing plan and my initial plan I had for the whole trailer.

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